Monday, February 26, 2007


The critical issue is having an exploitative HR policy structure and implementation.

1. Violation of standards in child labor, workplace safety etc by suppliers. [ More than 1/2 international suppliers violated...1/3 were in "serious violation"]

2. Lower Wages than competitors. [..$2-$3 less than unionized competitors...managers received base salary of $52k- less than counterparts]

3.Discrimination against Female Worker[...class action lawsuit against Walmart...although more than 2/3 of hourly employees, hold only 1/3 of store mgmt job, and less than 15% store mgmt positions....women in every category paid less]

4.Low spending in health benefits for employees.[..estimated $3500/employee, verses $4800 fro wholesale retailing sector & $5600 for US employers in general]

5. Resistance to unionization efforts by Walmart.
[...Walmart has aggresively resisted unionization efforts through profit sharing plans and open door policy...tough enforcing of anti-trsspassing law.]

1 comment:

Nick said...

hey dude,
do you have a complete paper on Wrigley case? If you do, can you email it to me?
